Adventure Days

Adventure days at Summit Centre offer unforgettable experiences for all ages. The action-packed days allow groups to experience the beautiful, rugged scenery of South Wales whilst immersing themselves in adrenaline fuelled activities. Whether its standing under an 8m waterfall, squeezing through the caverns and caves underground or exploring the rivers and lakes flowing through the countryside, we create lasting memories that transform young lives.

THE SWIFT CENTRE Summit Centre can offer a variety off offsite trips for both day and residential visitors. Other trips include climbing and beach days, mountain walks and navigation training and canoe and kayak river trips. For more information about our adventure days please contact us on [email protected] or call us on 01443 710090.

Read our blog about adventure days for more information.

Available at:
Summit Centre

Learning Outcomes

Communication & Listening skills

Being able to hear something, process it and formulate a favourable response in a short space of time. We’ve developed a range of activities where groups have to learn to communicate and listen to one another to ensure tasks can be completed successfully.

Team building

We have a range of instructed activities that are designed to get groups working together through challenging team dynamics, they will have to work together to achieve certain tasks and challenges, developing listening skills, communication and trust within the group. They get a better understanding of their colleagues or classmates which aids development.

Trust/stronger relationships

Trust building activities help teams develop a level of understanding about their fellow group members and builds confidence in individuals as they learn to trust one another throughout their tasks.


Children and young people really come on in leaps and bounds on our residentials. Being away from home in a different environment, having to rely on their peers, trying new activities and finding their place within their group, gives a real boost to their confidence. They find skills they didn’t know they had.

Leadership skills

The ability to lead and support others through effective communication. Being a good leader isn’t about taking control and telling people what to do. Through our activity sessions groups learn it’s about good listening skills, clearly communicating with others and supporting team members when necessary.

Physical education

Outdoor adventure activities help to build fitness and promote physical well-being. They also help with concentration, improve teamwork and communication skills. Many activities allow for personal development too, helping children and young people realise their potential and building confidence. Getting active in the outdoors helps improve motivation and self-esteem.

Managing risk/Developing resilience

The ability to bounce back and thrive after disappointment or unmet expectations. Through our activities, we give children and young people a chance to view setbacks as learning opportunities. Evaluating and planning helps a young person to think calmly and positively about a setback and helps build their confidence to try again.

Conquering personal challenges/ overcoming fears

To think positively about tackling new challenges. The ability to take on challenges and overcome fears will help develop a “can do” approach to life. We give groups the chance to take on challenges in a safe affirming environment. It teaches life skills such as perseverance and resilience.

Dexterity/control and balance

We have lots of open spaces and self-led activities that are great for developing dexterity, control and balance. We have poles to walk and balance on, sports pitches and fields to run around on and a range of instructed activities that are good for balance and hand eye co-ordination.